Keep calm and keep the color!
Keep the color - new addictive game that gives you a colorful style and simple gameplay. Get the best result using your reaction in a certain color. This game, for both children and adults who like to spend time playing games. All you have to do is keep your finger on the desired color when an object passes through the point. The point should be the same color as the object. There are two mode in this game: the 3 and 6 colors. From 6 colors need to combine several colors to get the desired color, holding, while your fingers in two colors simultaneously.
It really is an interesting game that can cheer you when you need it. You bored? And have nothing to do? Keep the color - all you need. This game - a great way to beat your boredom. Entertain yourself for a while - just download and play Keep the color.
With this game you have the opportunity to develop your reaction and thinking.
1) Reaction
At this point you need with high speed and precision to switch the desired color and with increased speed is not so easy, especially when speed is not stable and you can not adjust to this speed, you must always look for the "golden midway" and be able to get the maximum number of points, be the first among friends and strangers.
2) Thinking
At this point you need to know how to combine colors to get another one. This, of course, game mode which not all can go through. But in this mode, you can feel yourself the "top man", who can think easy in technical subjects: physics, chemistry, algebra, geometry, mathematics. Here we all expect to be focused and attentive.
保持色彩 - 新上瘾的游戏,给你一个多彩的风格和简单的游戏。获取使用某一种颜色,你的反应最好的结果。本场比赛,对于儿童和成人谁喜欢花时间玩游戏。所有你需要做的就是保持你的手指上所需的颜色,当一个物体穿过点。点应的颜色的对象相同。有两种模式,在这场比赛:3和6种颜色。从6种颜色需要结合多种颜色,以获得所需的颜色,控股,而你有两种颜色手指同时。
这确实是一个有趣的游戏,当你需要它,可以让你高兴。你无聊?和什么都没有做?保持色彩 - 所有你需要的。这个游戏 - 一个伟大的方式来击败你的无聊。自娱自乐了一会儿 - 只要下载并播放保存的颜色。